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Primobolan Depot Steroid (Methenolone) – Cycle, Dosage & Side Effects

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  • 16 minutes read
  • Jul 07, 2022

What is Primobolan Depot?

Primobolan is a steroid that comes both in oral and injectable forms, with the injection tending to be more popular with performance athletes. It’s been said that Primobolan was a favored steroid used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime and this is likely one of the reasons it remains popular with bodybuilders today.

Also popularly known as Methenolone, Primobolan is an oral/injectable anabolic steroid that is used by bodybuilders to encourage increased lean muscle mass; prevent muscle wastage and enhance physical performance and strength.
In fact, thanks to its long acting and mild anabolic effects – plus its low androgenic properties – it is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids around, as it can confidently be used by both men AND women without fear of liver toxicity or aromatization.
But that’s not all it can do…
It has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of underweight children (malnutrition), premature infants, osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

The Science:

  • Chemical name – 17ß-hydroxy-1-methyl-5a-androst-1-en-3-one acetate.
  • In its liquid form it is known as methenolone enanthate. As an oral tablet it is known as methenolone acetate.
  • Active life: oral methenolone (4-6 hours); liquid (injectable) methenolone (10-14 days).
  • Difference between Primobolan depot and oral Primobolan: Primobolan depot is an injectable version of the hormone which is attached to the large enanthate ester (production of this stopped in 1993 so any injectable versions you find are from underground labs). Primobolan is comprised of the same active steroid hormone in Methenolone; HOWEVER it is attached to the small acetate ester (making it suitable for oral use).

Why is Primobolan Depot used by athletes and bodybuilders?

For one, it is one of the few female friendly anabolic steroids on the market. Similar to Anavar, Primobolan has got a very low virilization rating, meaning women can safely use it without having to worry about developing facial hair, baldness or a deeper voice – brill!
Two, there is the whole history behind Arnold Schwarzenegger using Primobolan during his Mr Olympia days. Even though this has never been 100% confirmed; his famous physique has created a higher demand for this steroid, as let’s face it – we all want to look like Arnie.
Yet these points are just the tip of the iceberg…
One of the many reasons Primobolan (Primobolan depot especially) is used by athletes and bodybuilders is because:

  • As this DHT based anabolic steroid is not 17-alpha-alkylated but 1-methylated (for oral bioavailability), it can be used between cycles – during ‘off time’ – to help maintain muscle mass and strength gains. In fact, it is perfect for cutting cycles as it can prevent muscle wastage and instead help you to maintain all of the muscle you gained bulking, whilst allowing you to benefit from a calorie deficient diet. With a well-planned diet, Primobolan can produce good conditioning effects, which will leave you looking harder, more defined and chiselled.
  • Its potency is only slightly lower than Deca Durabolin.
  • It causes less inhibition than testosterone or Deca Durabolin (in terms of anabolic effects) because of its lack of conversion into DHT; low central nervous system activity, and reduced risk of aromatization (which can lead to man boobs – no thanks).
  • It is a mild anabolic steroid, meaning even if you took a high Primobolan dosage, it won’t convert into estrogen or trigger breast enlargement (and we’re not talking about the ladies – we mean breast development in men! Thanks, but no thanks).
  • Improves active and total testosterone by promoting sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
  • It produces little to no side effects compared to other top anabolic steroids which commonly cause liver toxicity and damage; enlarged breasts, shrunken testicles or a higher voice; mood swings/roid rage. Instead, with PCT and careful dosages you can avoid all of these.
  • Its performance enhancing effects can last for months – yep, your hard work won’t disappear in a cloud of smoke. Instead, Primobolan will protect your lean muscle tissues from wastage; will encourage increased fat burn, and will help you to maintain your muscle gains long after you stop.
  • Its strength building capabilities – Primobolan can help you to improve your strength without adding too much muscle mass, which is handy for athletes who aren’t bodybuilders.
  • It encourages improved muscle recovery and endurance.
  • It is a good fat burner as it helps to raise your metabolic rate.

How Primobolan Depot works

Methenolone is a derivative of DHT (or to be more precise – is a structurally altered form of DHT). It contains an added double bond at carbon one and two, which helps to increase this hormone’s anabolic nature. It also carries an additional 1-methyl group that protects it from hepatic breakdown. The presence of the acetate ester further protects it from hepatic metabolism.
Its oral form is especially beneficial, as it is the only oral steroid to NOT be a C17-aa steroid. Now whilst the lack of C17-aa means it’s not toxic to your liver, it also means it is mild/considered weak compared to other steroids i.e. most men won’t experience the same level of anabolic activity.
That is why a lot of men prefer to use Primobolan Depot – as the injection is stronger – whilst women usually stick to the oral form due to these very same mild effects.
In many ways Primobolan works like other anabolic steroids. It boosts protein synthesis (to a degree) and it will moderately increase your red blood cell count.
However, it has got three distinguishing features that make it different to the others:

  • It dramatically improves nitrogen retention, ensuring catabolic states are avoided and that you are able to successfully build lean muscle tissue. True these gains won’t be massive, but they will still be impressive.
  • It has got a strong binding affinity for androgen receptors which has been linked to direct lipolysis. Now, whilst all anabolic steroids can increase your metabolic rate, Primobolan is believed to directly support fat loss, making it perfect for cutting.
  • Studies have found that it can significantly enhance your immune system. In fact, it has successfully been used in the treatment of AIDS, offering individuals an immunity boost as well as protection from muscle wastage.
See also  Primobolan - PCT

Primobolan Depot dosage and cycles

The ideal Primobolan dosage for men is approximately 200-400mg per week, or 50-150mg per day (if you’re competing). For women, this is dramatically less at just 50-100mg a week (although some studies suggest 25-75mgs per day is safe).
Tips :

  • Stacking : it is best stacked with Deca Durabolin, Testosterone, Trenbolone, Masteron, Anavar, Winstrol, Dianabol, Clenbuterol, T3 or Anadrol.
  • Towards the end/after the end of your cycle, it is suggested that you use Nolvadex, HCG or Clomid, as this helps to enhance the bioavailability of any other steroids you have used during your cycle, whilst preventing any estrogenic side effects e.g. oily skin, acne, bloating or gynecomastia.
  • Due to its reputation for being a good fat burner, Primobolan is often used by athletes between cycles – during their ‘off-time’ – as it helps them to maintain muscle mass and any strength gains they’ve made. In fact, doing a Primobolan cycle for pre-contest cutting is not uncommon amongst competing bodybuilders.
  • Typical Primobolan cycle – no matter the amount you take – the low 50mg a day to the competing 100mg – Primo is usually used as part of an 8 week cycle. Note here how we said ‘part of the cycle’? Well, this is because Primo’s total use should not extend beyond 6 weeks. As a result, many athletes will split the cycle and will use multiple anabolic steroids e.g. men often start off with Sustanon 250 and Anadrol for the first 2 weeks; Sustanon 250, Anadrol and Nolvadex from weeks 2-4, before switching to Sustanon 250, Primobolan and Nolvadex from weeks 5-8, and then finishing with just Nolvadex for 2 weeks.NOTE : for those using Primo for the first time, your Primobolan cycle only be 25mg per day.
  • Women – whilst those competing can manage a 25-50mg dose of Primobolan a day ; it is recommended that women take smaller doses of Primo and pair it with Anavar.

What are Primobolan Depot side effects/dangers?

Primobolan may be milder than other anabolic steroids and promise safer results; however, misuse – like with all things – can result in some pretty nasty side effects. Even though there aren’t many scientific studies on the drug (aside from on rats), people who have used the steroid have reported many bad side effects.
Common Primobolan side effects include: depression, acne, oily skin, hair loss/balding, excess body hair, increases in bad cholesterol, and gynecomastia (this usually only occurs if it has been stacked with another anabolic steroid).
Obviously, if you keep to safe, lower dosages, the chance of these side effects happening should be minimal. However, we do advise leaning on the side of caution – especially if you are already predisposed to them e.g. you’ve got sensitive skin.
Yes, it is considered one of the safer anabolic steroids for women; however, it isn’t completely exempt from virilization. Stray from the recommended dosage and you could end up with excess body hair, a deeper voice, menstrual cycle issues and balding (note: these side effects will disappear rapidly if you discontinue using it).
In addition, it is not recommended for anyone who has been diagnosed with testicular atrophy, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, stroke, high blood pressure or respiratory problems.
Similarly, you need to be careful if you’ve already taken Prasterone, Tamoxifen, DHEA or Androstenedione as it can trigger aromatization.
Now at this point it is important that we bring up testosterone suppression. Primobolan isn’t immune to it and will suppress natural testosterone production to a degree. Admittedly, it is a lot less than other anabolic steroids; however, it will happen unless you add PCT/exogenous therapy to your cycle to ensure a speedy recovery.
Other things to bear in mind:

  • Never take multiple doses – even if you’ve missed one. Simply skip it and stick to the scheduled time and dose of your next one. This is especially true if it is less than 6 hours before your next Primobolan dosage.
  • Oral Primobolan is not considered a hepatotoxic steroid as there is no data that it will cause liver stress. HOWEVER – and it is a big however – William Llewellyn reported a case of an elderly man suffering from liver toxicity, failure and death following use of Primobolan. True, this is the only instance to happen in 50 years, but its existence means you should again be careful.
See also  What is Primobolan Side Effects?

On a positive note, Primobolan does not aromatize or cause water retention as it carries no progestin nature. In addition, as it doesn’t cause excess water storage, and it won’t trigger any blood pressure issues.

Primobolan Depot Benefits

Primobolan is derived from DHT so you can expect it to have a lot of the same properties and effects as that hormone including the benefit of it not being an aromatizing hormone. This makes it a powerful compound for cutting because you can achieve a very cut and lean look without the bloating caused by fluid retention.
Here are the main benefits and effects of Primobolan:

  • Promotes nitrogen retention: this is what makes Primobolan so useful for retaining muscle tissue during a cutting cycle and what makes it the main reason people use this steroid.
  • Enhances immune system: this is an important side benefit because we as steroid users need the immune system to be as strong as possible for maximum strength, energy, mental focus and all round health. During a cutting cycle in particular where you are eating less, the immune system can take a hit and this is where Primobolan brings some extra benefit during a cutting cycle.
  • Gain a lead and hard physique: with its ability to promote the preservation of lean muscle without the side effects we must dread when losing fat – water retention and gyno – Primobolan is an excellent compound to use when achieving the ultimate hard, toned and defined physique is the main goal.
  • Here are the areas where Primobolan is not going to be your ideal steroid to use:
  • For bulking and mass gains: Primobolan has mild anabolic properties so is not primarily used for gaining muscle and size in a bulking cycle.
  • Strength: Again due to its lower anabolic rating compared with many other steroids, only mild gains in strength can be expected so if you’re looking for massive strength gains there are other steroids that will suit you instead of Primobolan.

Primobolan Depot Dosage

Because of its relatively low anabolic rating, using Primobolan with any benefits normally means dosing it at a higher level than we might for most other steroids. These higher doses still only make Primobolan most effective for cutting cycles, as the dosing required for bulking would be too high to be practical or healthy.
Whatever your goals are, Primobolan is almost always stacked with other steroid compounds as it tends to have little beneficial effect when used alone for most men, but can be effective for women.

Injectable Primobolan (Primobolan Depot) Dosage

Injecting Primobolan gives you the best effects of this steroid and is the option most serious users will want to consider. It stacks well particularly with other non-aromatizing steroids that can often be conveniently administered in the same injection.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dosage

Using injectable Primobolan during a cutting cycle will have the same goals no matter what your experience level is: namely to preserve your lean muscle while you’re on a calorie restricted diet to lose fat. The gaining of new muscle isn’t desirable at this stage and Primobolan is not a muscle gainer, even at higher doses.
Beginners can see good results with injectable Primobolan at 400mg weekly and this is considered to be the lowest effective dose – any lower and Primobolan is unlikely to have a noticeable benefit.
Intermediate users can increase the weekly dosage to 700mg, with advanced Primobolan users able to inject up to 1000mg while still retaining minimal side effect risks.
Splitting the dosage into a twice weekly injection is the standard procedure and this will ensure your blood levels of Primobolan remain at the optimal level.

See also  What is Results and Benefits of Primobolan?

Proper Administration and Timing

Injectable Primobolan has a much longer half life than the oral form at up to ten days, so daily administration is not needed to retain levels of the steroid.
Twice weekly injections work well for most people and ensure that Primobolan is maintained at an optimal level for the duration of your cycle. This means splitting your dose in half each week and making sure that there is a consistent gap between each injection, usually of three days.
Primobolan Depot Not a “Weak” Steroid
That said, contrary to common opinion, Primobolan really is not a weak steroid, at least not on a milligram for milligram basis. It certainly is not weak in terms of anabolic effect versus side effects. It is a good performer in these regards. However, because the oil solubility of methenolone enanthate is only moderate, preparations are typically of only 100 mg/mL. This can give a psychological impression of not being as strong a compound as more concentrated products.
Another likely reason for perceived weakness is that it is most often used for anabolic steroid cycles which deliberately are very conservative. For example, a classic beginner cycle is 400 mg/week Primobolan as the only steroid used. Of course, this does not give extreme gains. But then again neither does 400 mg/week testosterone!
With most anabolic steroids or anabolic steroid stacks, total use needs to be at least 500 mg/week and more preferably 700-1000 mg/week before a cycle is likely to be highly effective. This rule is no different when Primobolan is used as the sole anabolic steroid or as part of a performance-enhancing stack (combination of drugs.)

Primobolan Depot Stacks

Primobolan presents an interesting situation with regard to stacking. Pharmacologically there is probably no difference in stacking behavior compared to Masteron, and certainly no important difference, but in practice those who wish to use Primobolan almost always are looking for mild stacking choices as well. For this reason, though Dianabol, Anadrol, or testosterone are effective stacking choices, they usually are not combined with Primobolan.

Primobolan and HCG

For those wishing a mild steroid cycle, perhaps the best performance-enhancing drug to combine with Primobolan is not another anabolic steroid directly, but HCG at doses totalling approximately 1500 IU/week. This may be taken as, for example, 200 IU daily, 400 IU every other day, or 500 IU three times per week. This typically yields high-normal testosterone levels and maintains normal estrogen levels, aiding the effectiveness of Primobolan with relatively little added androgenic side effects. Such usage may be counted as comparable to injecting 100 mg/week testosterone, and so for example 500 mg/week Primobolan use combined with this amount of HCG may be considered comparable to 600 mg/week total usage of anabolic steroids.
For those seeking to absolutely minimize effect on hair in skin, addition of this amount of HCG may be excessive. Because more moderate testosterone levels are desirable in such instances, the HCG dose should be reduced to a total of only 700-750 IU/week. Further, the amount of Primobolan should be kept to no more than 400 mg/week, as Primobolan itself also has effect on hair and skin.

Primobolan and Trenbolone

An alternate situation, not commonly seen, is where a cycle is trenbolone-based but rather than using a relatively high dose of trenbolone, the athlete limits the dose of that drug and uses another non-aromatizing injectable to support it. The combination can be milder in side effects while being still equally effective, at least in terms of anabolism, to higher-dose trenbolone. While Masteron is a more cost-effective choice for this purpose, Primobolan also will work well in this situation.

Primobolan Depot Recommendations

The half-life of methenolone enanthate is probably about 5 days. As a result, Primobolan is most effectively used when injected at least twice per week. At the 400 mg/week usage level, post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be started only 5 days after the last injection, whereas at a higher level of usage such as 1000 mg/week, at least 10 days will be needed until recovery is likely to become possible.


By helping you avoid falling into a catabolic state and losing muscle while cutting, Primobolan really shines as a steroid to use when you’re trying:

  • to achieve maximum fat loss without muscle loss
  • to achieve a seriously ripped body with the huge bonus of coming with no risk of bloating or other estrogenic side effects

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