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Primobolan – PCT

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  • 7 minutes read
  • Apr 04, 2022

Advantages of steroids uk shop using Primobolan

In addition to not causing fluid retention, the drug also contributes to its elimination. This allows for an increase in muscle mass without the recoil phenomenon that accompanies many anabolic steroids. Most athletes prefer this steroid precisely because of its effectiveness.

Taking the drug, you need to be prepared for the fact that the mass will not sharply increase, but gradually – 500-1000 mg in 7 days. This happens because:

  1. the body loses excess moisture;
  2. The fat mass is burned.

If the main task of a bodybuilder is to dry the muscles and give them good relief, in addition to taking Primobolan, it is also necessary to control the diet, sleep and training regimen. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be carefully balanced. Also, before buying this or any other sports pharmacological drug, you need to consult with a specialist.

Advantages of using Primobolan

A qualified therapist will prescribe the dosage based on the test results. The duration of taking anabolic steroids also depends on the individual physiological parameters. The intake of Primobolan can be prohibited if an individual intolerance to any of its components is detected.

Rules for taking Primobolan

For beginners, the standard duration of admission is recommended – up to 1.5 months. This time is enough to get a noticeable effect when using a minimal side effects of primobolan amount of the drug. The active substance is administered intramuscularly in the form of injections twice a week for 200 mg. Such a dosage cannot cause side effects, while giving the expected result.

One of the main benefits of taking Primobolan is the absence of post cycle therapy. Aromatase inhibitors, which are almost always taken by athletes after taking anabolic steroids, are not necessary to eliminate the phenomenon of aromatization, since Primobolan does not contribute to the accumulation of excess fluid in an athlete’s body.

However, you should take into account that the half-life of the active ingredient of the steroid in the blood is 35 days, so you should calculate the course of administration and finish 5 weeks before the competition if you want to participate.

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Primobolan is the best option for novice bodybuilders as it is a rather mild steroid.

Post cycle therapy (PCT)

Many athletes use steroids to build muscle mass. After the course there is usually a so-called rollback. It is important to understand that recoil is an inevitable process after anabolic steroids. The amount of muscle mass lost directly depends on the athlete’s actions, the individual characteristics of the organism and, of course, the course therapy. To minimize the rollback, a quick restoration of natural testosterone production is required using special tools. The amount of testosterone depends on the work of the testicles, the restoration of their work reduces all risks not only in the course, but also in the end.

With the correct implementation of rehabilitation therapy, it is possible to maintain the volume gained while taking AS. Many athletes skip PTK and tend to miss the whole result. This is not only a waste of money, but also a colossal health hazard. After a course of therapy, this is a mandatory procedure that cannot be ignored, not to mention completely abandoned.

If you start taking help in a timely manner, you can avoid a rollback or reduce it to the minimum index. Good post cycle therapy has a direct impact on the athlete’s results and their success in competition.

Dosage of Clomid and Tamoxifen depending on the severity of the steroid course.

  • Each drug is packaged in a different dosage. Tamoxifen is available in strengths of 10 and 20 mg. The course is a small scale, the initial dose is gradually reduced.
  • In case of severe hormonal disturbances, take 80 mg for 3 days, then reduce to 40 mg and take for 12 days. Final ingestion is 10 milligrams for 15 days until complete failure.
  • After a less severe course, you can start with 40 mg, halving the dose every 15 days (40; 20; 10;).
  • Moderate hormone therapy with the use of supplements for 45 days. The starting dose is 20 mg per day, the last 15 days – 10 mg.
  • After a small intervention in the endocrine system, recovery takes 30 days. Reception is 20 mg for 15 days and 10 mg until complete cancellation.
  • Clomid is a drug with a similar effect that comes in a 50mg dose. To influence the hormonal background, it is necessary to follow the instructions and the scheme of use.
  • After a tough run, you need to break down the recovery process into 4 stages. The first 3 days it is necessary to use 150 mg. After administration for 12 days 100 mg. For the remaining 30 days, she should take 50 mg after 25 mg until complete weaning.
  • The application after a course of moderate severity lasts 45 days, 15 for each phase. It should be taken according to the scheme (100; 50; 25;).
  • 45 days on average divided into 2 phases 30 days 50 mg, the remaining 25 mg.
  • Mild post-treatment steroid use lasts no longer than 45 days at the lowest dose (50, 25, and 25 every other day for the last 15 days).
See also  What is Results and Benefits of Primobolan?

Characteristics of the PCT

Depending on the severity of the course, PCT can have its own characteristics. For example, with steroids that tend to aromatize, antiestrogens should be taken in parallel.

PCT preparations are selected based on the properties of anabolic steroids and their effect on the body. At the same time, post-cycle therapy should be designed to minimize the loss of muscle mass after the cycle. For this you need:

  1. restore the natural secretion of hormones;
  2. restore libido and spermatogenesis;
  3. regulate the functioning of the liver, which is very sensitive to the effects of steroids;
  4. lower the level of bad cholesterol;
  5. low cortisol levels.

PCT components

All PCT medications can be divided into several groups

Primobolan - Post cycle therapy

Aromatase inhibitors

Taken during treatment with aromatizable drugs to reduce estrogenic effects. These include Anastrozole, Letrozole, Proviron.

Estrogen receptor blockers

Helps restore natural testosterone secretion in the body. The most popular drugs are tamoxifen and clomiphene.


It is used in heavy classes to prevent testicular dysfunction and atrophy.


To lower prolactin levels.

Testosterone boosters, growth hormones, and peptides can also be used for post-cycle therapy. A must are cortisol blockers, which minimize relapses by preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue.

It is necessary to take PCT drugs according to the indications of a particular drug, so the effect will be maximum. Even though the course of steroids has been quite light, PCT shouldn’t be overlooked as any intake of external hormones upsets the body’s natural balance.

Medicines during follow-up can be divided into several categories:

  1. Anti-estrogens.

If aromatized steroids are used during the course, aromatase inhibitors (Anastrozole, Proviron) are used to block the estrogenic effects.

See also  Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate) - how to take on the course

Estrogen receptor blockers (Tamoxifen, Clomid) are used to restore the body’s testosterone production.

  1. Chorionic Gonadotropin. Gonadotropin is used in the most difficult classes. The drug reduces the risk of developing testicular atrophy and Leydig cell desensitization.
  2. Cabergoline (Dostinex).

The drug is used every 4 days during the course. It is used in the use of progestin drugs (nandrolone, trenbolone). The drug balances the level of prolactin in the body. Prolactin is responsible for most of the reported side effects.

In addition to these basic drugs, follow-up treatment may also include additional supplements: testosterone boosters, hepatoprotectors, omega-3s, growth hormone, peptides, cortisol blockers.

All professional athletes recommend not giving up after therapy, as it can harm health and cause harm.

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